Be A TeacherStar!
We know from experience that modeling is a powerful tool. We are seeking TeacherStars to model WriteSteps lessons for our nation’s teachers. This is an opportunity for you to make an impact outside of your classroom. In an effort to increase our videos to teach the nations teachers, any teacher that submits a video we use to publish on eWriteSteps, will receive $200.00!
If you believe you have what it takes to teach teachers, we would like you to submit a video teaching a complete WriteSteps lesson(s).
All teachers whose videos are accepted for eWriteSteps will:
- Receive a $200.00 Visa gift card
- Have their lessons included on eWriteSteps
For an example, you can watch the modeled video on Informative Writing, submitted by Sara Ball-Vadeboncourer, here.
Are you ready to take the next step and share your WriteSteps lessons with the nation? You are already changing the world one lesson at a time with your students, but think about the impact you will have beyond your own classroom!
“Educators should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.” ~Abdul Kalam