Do you know your teaching staff’s “Educator Style” for writing?

Capitalizing on each individual’s “Educator Style” will help your teaching staff achieve writing success

As an administrator or school principal, you probably already know that no two teachers are the same; in fact, every teacher has a unique method of teaching writing. The uniqueness of teacher personalities and styles means a one-size-fits-all writing curriculum is likely to be sub-optimal and very possibly, not universally effective for neither students nor the teachers who instruct with it.

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Leadership Truths for Curriculum Leaders

The following blog post is published with permission from the author, Steven Weber. Connect with him on Twitter @curriculumblog. You can read the original post here.

What is a curriculum leader?  A second grade teacher can serve as a curriculum leader. Principals and assistant principals should also be viewed as curriculum leaders.  A central office staff member may have the title of chief academic officer or curriculum director, but that does not mean they are the only curriculum leader in the school district.  Once teachers begin communicating with teachers in the same grade level and make connections with the next level (i.e., middle school and high school transition), students will benefit from increased clarity on the essential learning outcomes.

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All Teachers Aren’t Cut Out to Be Curriculum Creators: How Districts are being Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

Have you ever been asked to create curriculum when you felt like you went to school to teach?

In an effort to save money, we have heard some districts are having teachers work collaboratively to design daily lessons for the state standards. This poses a problem. When are teachers going to find time to create top notch standards based lessons when they are in classrooms every day?

There are two ways districts think they are saving money. One is they are trying to find free standards based material for their teachers to use. The other is they are asking their teachers to be curriculum creators. Now don’t be penny wise and pound foolish. Districts might save one penny now, but waste pounds of pennies later on when they realize their plan to save money backfired. Read on to hear my opinions on why I believe districts should make curriculum decisions with their eyes wide open.
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