Looking for Funding for WritingCity?

What kinds of students and schools are finding success with our approach?

SuburbanSuburban Inner-CityInner-City
Low-TechLow-Tech English language learnersEnglish language learners
High-TechHigh-Tech Special needsSpecial needs
RuralRural Advanced learnersAdvanced learners

School districts typically use one or more of these funding sources to purchase WritingCity and to finance coaching (professional development) that is personalized to meet each school’s needs:

  • 21st Century Community Learning Center grants
  • ARRA Funds – Stimulus Funding
  • Federal Technology Funds
  • IDEA – Special Education funds
  • Private Foundation grants
  • State and Local Curriculum Funds
  • Title I Part A
  • Title II – Professional Development
  • Title I Section 1003(g) School Improvement Grants (SIG)
  • Title I Supplemental Education Services (SES) funds
  • Title I C – Migrant Education
  • Title I Part D-2 – Neglected and Delinquent
  • Title II Part D, Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT)
  • Title III English Language Acquisition
  • Title VII Indian Education
  • Remediation Funds
  • Charter Schools
  • Investing in Innovation (i3)
  • Rural Education Initiative
