Digital Student Success Kits

Girl writing on a tablet and getting help from the teacher

Print Your Free WritingCity Digital Student Success Kits

Along with teaching tools and an online curriculum, WritingCity provides these printable resources to enhance your writing and grammar lessons.

DIY Student Privacy Folders

The Privacy Folder is a tri-fold study carrel that decreases distractions and offers resources to help students work independently.

First & Second Grades Privacy Folder

1st & 2nd Grades

DIY Privacy Folders feature high-frequency words, transitional words and phrases, and a five senses word bank to strengthen word choice:

Third, Fourth & Fifth Grades Privacy Folder

3rd, 4th & 5th Grades

DIY Privacy Folders feature high-frequency words, transitional words and phrases, and a five senses word bank to strengthen word choice:

Printing instructions for DIY Student Privacy Folders:

DIY Privacy Folders do not require professional printing and can be printed on any printer. Students can assemble using two heavy duty file folders.

  • Size: 8.5″ x 11″ (US Letter)
  • Color: Black & White
  • Paper: 14 pt cover stock

Student Privacy Folders™

The Privacy Folder is a tri-fold study carrel that decreases distractions and offers resources to help students work independently.

First & Second Grades Privacy Folder

1st & 2nd Grades

Privacy Folders feature high-frequency words, beginning blends, digraphs, and number and color words to help with spelling:

Third, Fourth & Fifth Grades Privacy Folder

3rd, 4th & 5th Grades

Privacy Folders feature high-frequency words, transitional words and phrases, and a five senses word bank to strengthen word choice:

Printing instructions for Student Privacy Folders™:

Send the PDF files to an online or local professional digital printing company to print the files for you. Here are the special instructions your printer will need to create the standing privacy folders that can be used by your students at their desks: size: flat size: 26″x11.5″ (2 up), trim to final size 13″x11.5″

  • Color: 1/1 (black)
  • Paper: 14 pt cover stock
  • Finishing: trim, score, gate fold
  • These files are high-resolution PDFs.

Grade Level Posters

Posters display writing concepts in a student-friendly way, with vibrant visuals and grade-appropriate language.

Printing instructions for Grade Level Posters:

Send the 11”x17” high-resolution files to an online or local professional digital printing company to print as classroom posters. These files are high-resolution PDFs.

Kindergarten Sound Cards

Help students identify letters and sounds.

Printing instructions for Kindergarten Sound Cards:

Send the 11”x17” PDF file to an online or local digital professional printing company to print the files for you. With a professional printer, you’ll have the option of printing on an index stock (heavier card paper), to create flashcards. Have the printer cut them out on the dotted lines to create a set of flashcards. Or you can request that the 11”x17” file be printed as a poster to hang in your classroom. This file is high-resolution.
